Crimson Cre8ive – Holistic Energy Therapies & Products2024-11-12T11:21:33-06:00

find your

immunityenergyintuitionwell-beingBEST self!

Unaddressed negative energies manifest into the physical body.

High Vibration Aura = Best Health







Where are YOU on the Energy Charts?

Opportunity to make changes!

Power vs Force: the hidden determinants of human behavior
Alpha and Omega Energies

Do you often have issues with these?

What are your symptoms?

Maslow's Pyramid of needs

Have doubts? Ever “seen” your energy?

Below: Before & After of aura energy photos that demonstrate how your energy can change. Holistic energy therapies can change your bodies energy.

Aura holistic energy therapies

What is Frequency-Based Medicine i.e. Energy Therapy?

Energy Therapy is: clearing, balancing and energizing your energetic fields, meridians containing emotional and physical attributes. Energy, Frequency, Vibration, is what everything is made of! We all consist of energy: positive & negative.

Clearing, Balancing and Charging the unseen energies of the body using various non-invasive modalities of both scientific and intuitive in nature. It encompasses all of your 5 senses including thought (6th sense).

The type of Energy Therapies and treatments I offer can also be referenced as: Frequency-Based Medicine, Frequency Therapy, Frequency Healing, Quantum Healing, Quantum Physics, BG3, BG16, Bio Geometrics, BioGeometry, Radiesthesia, Qualitative Healing, Quantitative Healing, Energy Medicine, Brain Balancing, Past Trauma Resets, Earth Ley Line Balancing, Therapeutic Body Products, Healing Energy Arts, Electromagnetic, ECO Laser, Infrared Frequency Treatment, Sound Treatment, Sound Therapy, Sound Healing, Vibrational Acoustic Treatment, Vibrational Balancing, Healing with Sound Frequencies.

A more proactive preventative approach to health & wellness.

Even though most of the global practices such Quantum techniques, the West/U.S. is somewhat new to utilizing such potentially helpful modalities. I don’t want you to be the best OLD VERSION of your self; I want you to feel like you never have before! Your BEST LIFE EVER!

How does energy impact YOU & those AROUND you?

Your resonance determines your emotions. On a cellular level, unaddressed negative energies can manifest into the physical body resulting in ailments, issues and diseases. Psycholoical and Physical symptoms are your body’s way of communicating with you.

Your physical energy field typically spans about 3-6’ from your body. However, your voice also has resonance and will impact others via frequency transfer. This is why/how we can sense each other’s moods, attitudes, emotions, intonation etc. Energies can be transferred to others you are in contact with on a daily basis.

Electro-physical exchanges underlie most cellular activity and can assist in the areas of causation, diagnosis and treatment of disease. Information for growth, disease and repair is transmitted by the total electro-magnetic field, and perhaps even by more subtle fields underlying the physical body.

Balance Your Mind,
Increase Energy

Limitless Energy, Proactive,
Master of Self/self

Improved Sleep, Focus, Memory, Intuition

Improve Creativity, Attune to Feelings & Intuition

Improved Communication, Thoughts, Calmness

Improve Self-Esteem, Will-Power, Intuition & Decision

Improve Mood, Love & Belonging, Lower Blood Pressure

Energy Therapies vs Reiki?

You help others but who helps YOU?

Your tests came back NEGATIVE, now what can you do?

Do we ALL have energy?

Balance Your Mind, Increase Energy

Improved Sleep, Focus, Memory, Intuition

Improved Communication, Thoughts, Calmness

Improve Mood, Love & Belonging, Lower Blood Pressure

Improve Self-Esteem, Will-Power, Intuition & Decision

Improve Creativity, Attune to Feelings & Intuition

Limitless Energy, Proactive, Master of Self/self

Energy Therapies vs Reiki?

You help others but who helps YOU?

Your tests came back NEGATIVE, now what can you do?

Do we ALL have energy?


Energy Session Review:

“Doing good 😊 feeing good too. Mentally/emotionally little all over the place due to my dog being extremely sick. But honestly, I don’t think I’d be holding up as well physically or able to handle things like I am without Saturday (Balancing Session).”

Rachael B.

Energy session review:

“I do feel a huge difference & my spiritual growth has taken off!”

Nancy L.

Energy Session Review:

“I’m doing great, especially since my doctor’s appointment today confirmed I don’t have breast cancer! After our session: I felt amazing. I literally felt & still feel lighter mentally/emotionally. I’ve felt happier this week, more confident & not afraid to speak my truth. I have taken more time to myself. listening to my body’s needs & journaling. I bought this as my way to journal & I love it! Thank you again!!”

Heather M.

Energy session review:

“After the session I felt better. I have had more energy. I needed that! 😁”

Deb H.

Scrub review:

“After the death of my spouse, I was feeling very run down so I tried the Brand New Day scrub: I love the way the bath scrub made me feel afterwards. It was effective on my dry arms and legs. It hydrates well on the skin.”

Ann D.

Energy session review:

“My Stomach is much calmer. I feel more connected to my intuition.”

Fatima U.

Energy session review:

“I’m doing Great! Still in great spirits feeling really grounded and clear headed still!! I have been sleeping a ton more lately! I still feel great!”

Erica B.

Quantum Trauma Reset Progression:

“It feels cleared! I looked at myself in the mirror in a whole new way! It’s hard to stop smiling at myself!

• A wonderful session indeed, my mind is still reeling! Thanks for the advice and looking forward to arranging the next session!
• Me and the wife just decided to get divorced today. I’m still processing but I am still planning on continuing. This will be an opportunity to reset even though it’s a bit scary.
• Wow! Thanks for sending me that video. Your words have been so helpful, especially at this time and it does seem like a synchronicity that I heard back from you today.
• Thank you for all of your time and resources today. It feels so comforting to have someone that has hope for me.
• Despite only getting another hour of sleep, I was very full of energy. My work day was busy but I’ve felt pretty sharp in my thoughts, also noticing a lack of social anxiety.
• I did well coping today, all positive. I was able to socialize with some old friends.
• I have done 3 journaling/ doodling sessions since we last met!
• Being nice to myself seems so logical but it’s much easier to accept when hearing it external to my own thoughts.
• You’ve been a huge help to keep me grounded through these tumultuous times.
• My energy levels are amazing. Haven’t felt this great in at least 15 years. And I trust my intuition more than ever.
• Well, last night was the first time I’ve dreamt in months probably. It’s definitely easier to calm my mind.”

Mario J. (Within 24-72 hours client was able to make 3 life changing hard decisions that were blocking his personal progression.) ,

Energy Session Review (Progression):

“I feel like my joints, muscles, arms, hands, legs, feet have had a deep workout (stiffer/stronger). My hands have loosened up and are more flexible. Able to make peace sign.😊

• First session was buzzing/tingling sensation throughout body. Next sessions were a deeper and more intense/dense feeling. Arms, Hands, Legs and Feet: have sensation and rush of energy/tingling.

• Aug 14, 2024: Arms, Hands, Legs and Feet are tingling with energy. Uplifting in the chest/heart area. Energy going through the whole body. I can especially feel the energy buzzing though my hands, feet. I could feel this for over 1.5 hours after the session.”

Dan L. (ALS patient who has not had appendage sensation in ~2 years)

Energy session review:

“Vision was much improved. Looking forward to another session as I have no desire to live like this.”

Sandy S.

Energy Session Review:

“I wanted to thank you again for working on me. I rarely ever have anyone work on my energy as I am cautious of who touches my energy. Reflecting back on it, i got glimpses of gold radiating from you, a lot of warmth. Then sprinkles of silver, which I’m assuming were spirits or helpers. Since then, i have had some stuff come to the surface that I’ve been sitting through. Again, thank you so much!”

Susan A.

Energy Session Review:

“The week after I had the work done was great. Felt wonderful and very much at ease and energetic. Trying to keep that going.”

Laura H.

Energy session review:

“Sleeping better & my mind has been much clearer this week.”

Katie M.

Scrub review:

“While using the Tides of Change scrub, I had an epiphany of a solution to a problem. Felt a genuine energetic boost after getting out of shower. Question: How do you use the scrubs on your 3rd eye?”

Answer from Diane: “Wet the forehead or 3rd eye area, then tilt the head downward to scrub and keep away from the eyes.”

Marybeth S.

Energy session & Product review:

“I felt 100 percent better when I left. I gave my mom with cancer the scrub because I feel she needs it most. I’m working on those energetic boundaries but doing better with that visualization.”

Melanie B.

Energy session review:

“I felt great after the event. I had some much-needed clarity and focus today.
I dreamt last night as well. That always helps me see how connected I am.”

Jules U.

Energy session review (Progression):

“Seemed to look around more. Neck was relaxed. Slept through the night. Pretty alert now.

• Did sit ups and he held his head, I didn’t have to hold it or help at all. 😊

• He has been relaxed.

• Looked at his nurse this morning, smiled when she said hi. Something he doesn’t do early in the morning. 😊

• The other night he was moving his legs, I asked him to move them again and he did. I asked him if he knew he was doing that and he smiled. 😊

• His hands are more open and his feet are easier to stretch and straighten..

• He did move and kick his legs a few times last week. 😊

• Moved his right leg in bed a few times last night. Has been calm.”

Karen M. (mom of stroke/ Intraparenchymal hemorrhage patient who can only communicate by blinking)

Energy session review:

“Overall my body felt lighter and more relaxed. thinking a bit clearer, less heavy,

Left big toe started hurting at the joint that evening, and went away by Saturday. Right hand has been better.

Little more motivated on certain things that need to be done but not my favorite that are normally put off. (that is good, I noticed it and so did my wife).”

Dr. Jeremy F.

Energy session review:

“I felt amazing. I literally felt & still feel lighter mentally/emotionally. I’ve felt happier this week, more confident & not afraid to speak my truth. I have taken more time to myself… listening to my body’s needs & journaling.”

Deanna S.

Energy session review:

“I noticed immediately my sense of taste improved – a lot. I have been able to taste, enjoy a lot of depth of flavor in things that were already a part of my normal diet. I had been having leg pain that I was just dealing with but… I suddenly just knew that it was a medication I had been taking. I immediately sent a message to my dr, she agreed and switched me to something else. I feel our session really helped me realize what was causing the pain.”

Heather C.

Energy session & Product review:

Energy session: “Feeling great! Shoulders, Back – feeling intense healing/energetically.”

Body Product: “After 2 days I can feel clearing of pain with Sciatica, Glute, herniated discs/L4-L5 back area. Headache all week has eased up.”

Megan R.

Transformation Box:

“I got the package today and I love the box and everything in it! I think the sodalite and the fire and ice quartz are both really awesome. 🤩Thanks for the continued stream of tools. I’m doing a little better each day, so I’m grateful for that.
• I’ve sat with my stones the last 3 out of 4 days and have used the rollers once so far. It Really does do something to distract my brain from running a million miles an hour thinking about 3D stuff.
• I’ve been more mindful and at peace this week. It would help some of my fidgeting, I think. My hands will often start to itch myself if they aren’t busy. I found I do need something to keep me focused. This clear fire and ice quartz piece was really nice to handle today btw.”

Mario J.

Scrub review:

“The salt scrub was amazing! I feel way more grounded!! I did a shower and then bathed in it and it smells sooooo good! I am feeling a difference between before using it vs after. Now I am bathing in it and I can’t get enough of it! I smell so good and the salt feels so soft and really enjoying this.”

Laura E.

Energy Session review:

“I’ve been meaning to tell you that I feel like some things cleared and opened up after our session a couple weeks ago. Thank you!”

Jennifer J.

Energy session review (Progression):

“Right leg and foot (including toes): balance, flexibility, movement and feeling/sensation is better and continues to improve. Less numbness. Sleeping better. My attitude is more positive, calm and happy. I have more focus.”

Diane’s Evaluation: “During 1st session feeling came back to right leg and 3 larger toes. During 2nd session, sensation increased in right leg and all toes. Groin and lower back area pain was relieved each time.

Ethereal Blockages Exist: Physical pains in groin and back areas, have emerged from childhood/teen traumas. This is then resulting in feelings of unworthiness, negative self-talk, lashing out, anxiety, regret, despair, hopelessness, humiliation etc.”

Mike K.

Energy session review:

“I went to Diane with no prior experience of this type of healing. I was impressed with her intuitive knowledge and skill when working with the energy points in my body. I felt a marked difference in my energy and well-being. She is very gifted and I would highly recommend you check out all her services.”

Marybeth S.

Energy Session Review:

“I’m doing ok. I’m feeling better. I felt great, more lighter, more energy.😁”

Rochelle H,

Energy Session Review:

“I am feeling much better. The pain in my hips has significantly decreased.”

Debra B.

Quantum Past Trauma Reset:

“Felt amazing afterwards. Could not remember feeling this way in the past. Had more focus, positivity, energy, drive. Created boundaries and stuck to them. Interacted with the boss differently and did not react to his passive aggressive, narcistic tendencies. Determined the job was toxic and quit. Boss reapproached to come back but on new terms. Came to several life realizations. Had been going to various therapists for over 40 years but through this was able to make positive steps forward and had the energy to do it!”

Susan H.

Energy session review:

“I have been seeing the Crimson Lady for a year now. With full confidence I will attest that Diane is the best energy surgeon around. Many times, I have been at a low or in a heavy “energetic fog”. And she always balances me out with a wide range of diverse and powerful crystals, as well as other stones and tools that are full of supercharged divine love energy. I always feel brand new and full of calm energy after leaving a session with her. Not only is she great with healing, but she really cares about her clients and gives excellent advice and tips on how to live a more fulfilled life.

I highly recommend Diane and her services, she is a joy to the world!”

Nick D.

Scrub review:

“She recently developed her own unique “salt scrub” that made me feel amazing after using it in the shower.”

Nick D.

Energy session review:

“I had a session with you yesterday afternoon. I have rheumatoid, fibromyalgia, & migraines. You helped me so much with one session! I still feel really wonderful! I walked our family dog yesterday! Woke this morning, NO PAIN! I haven’t woken without pain in 4+ years! I just had to share this with you. (next day): I am doing really good still!!! Was able to take my daughter Bday shopping yesterday after we left the show. I know it’s because of you helping me. My headache is gone, my back feels wonderful. I do notice after our sessions. I sleep very well and I do not want to get up the next morning. So relaxed!!! ☺️ Bought myself a beautiful planner notebook to write in. 😺🌻 Pain is dull, in hands still some swelling & tenderness between the ring & pinky fingers. I did do a lot of writing last night, catching up on my journal. I haven’t written a lot since I worked 😕 mainly because it hurt so much. I feel like doing stuff today. Getting some house chores done. I did a lot yesterday. One good thing I’ve noticed, I am more positive about things I say. When driving I’m not yelling at people in front of me. I just let it go. I wake up happier, not so crabby. What really helped, I wrote a letter to my husband and let him know exactly how it makes me feel when he says he’s going to have an adult beverage and where our marriage stands if he does. It opened a can of worms that needed to be opened 10 years ago.🤍 I used the scrub that morning. I appreciate you!!!”

Kathy D.

Scrub review:

“I have tried the Tides of Change scrub. I used it in the gold mesh bag. I love the way the finished feel was on my skin. The fragrance is really good. I need to use it again to have more data points with feedback. LOL but for real, I like this product. I am navigating a lot change at work, in personal life and my loved ones around me are too. I felt this one was appropriate as I cleansed my energy. I also put my crystal in the scrub. Should i not store my crystal in the scrub mix?”

Answer from Diane: “After 6+ months of testing, I have not seen the copper oxidize and turn green. 👍 However, if it does (usually due to water getting into the product), this has no negative impact to the product.”

Jennifer J.

Energy Session & Product Review:

“The first couple days after the balancing I felt great! And definitely nicer to myself. It’s been easier to push those self-criticizing thoughts out the door. Which has made a huge difference! I got so much out of our session. Thank you so much! 😊”

Catherine D.

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