DailyMed.com: Rx resource EVERYONE should know!
By Diane K. Wilson
Below is an Rx health resource you should know about and use for personal health due diligence!
You should be familiar with dailymed.com (vs drugs.com)
Go to DailyMed. Then type in the drug. Find the Packager/Mfg. CLICK “+VIEW MORE”.
DAILYMED is mandatorily updated by registered submission for the National Library of Medicine. It will show your outer packaging, P.I. (Prescribing Information/Package Insert) product labels, packaging. NOTE: The Drugs.com site is often not up to date, not fully encompassing plus the 2 systems do not communicate with each other. DAILYMED is your ‘go to’. This is also the reference to medical/health professionals.
Why should you even really care about this?:
- If you are on certain Rx, various OTC drugs (i.e. Tums/antacids etc.) may cause dire interaction issues. Please check your P.I. (Prescribing Information), Rx printout or dailymed.com. Do this before you ingest or toss the P.I. in the trash!
- If you have adverse effects, reaction (or anything unexpected), it is your responsibility to contact the PV (drug safety: pharmacovigilance) number on the insert. Why? If a certain number of people call in and have issues, this triggers the health authority to investigate. the pharma company has to respond and resolve the issues within a certain short time period. If it continues, they may have to update the P.I., drug formulation or visit the actual company. So, you could be preventing a mass problem. However, if you do nothing, then many people could have prevented grave side effects. (i.e. Thalidomide comes to mind) this is the feedback system to pharma companies and you should use this. This is why it was developed. on a positive side, this could result in improvements to the drug or positive side effects. (i.e. how Viagra’s effects became known.)
- For vaccines of any kind, you need to know what pharma company produces what you are injecting/ingesting. Do not assume. Ask for the P.I. (Prescribing Info./Package Insert). then you will have the PV info to report any side effects OR – if you know the company, you can look this up on dailymed. Adverse effects should be reported to the PV number without exception. PV is required to respond if you have to leave a message or resolve certain issues. Also, if there is a recall you know you may be impacted vs having no idea.
- Consider that no drug study has been done on drug-on-drug interactions (cocktails); it is impossible and too expensive. plus, each of us has differing age, medical history, DNA, body composition etc.
- Everyone should be familiar with their Rx and document when they feel differently to tell your Dr. Good Luck!
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Diane K. Wilson • Energy Therapies
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